Reversing Grey Hair: Everything You Need to Know | For Grey Hair DE

Of all the signs of aging, laugh lines, wrinkles, a change in body shape, nothing is so predominantly desired to be reversed as grey hair. Millions are spent each year to cover up grey hair with hair dye, but that only places color on top of the hair, and trying to pick a natural color requires lots of trial and error. Not to mention, as the hair dye grows out, the gray roots become on prominent display yet again.

The best way to deal with unwanted grey hair is to reverse the greying process. But how can you do this? In this article, we will talk about the causes of grey hair and how to reverse your grey hair. Let’s get started.

Why Does Hair Become Gray?


What provides our hair with its unique color is something called melanocytes, a type of cell that produces one of two pigments. The first pigment is called eumelanin which is most common in brown and black hair. The other pigment is pheomelanin, which is found in blond, auburn, and red hair.

As these melanocytes decrease in number, that is when hair begins to grey. Now, this can happen at any age; there is no specific time that it starts. For some people, it may start in their 30s, while others don’t start greying until their 40s. Even other people may start greying in their 20s. It’s all the luck of the draw and, unfortunately, when it comes to genetics there’s not much we can do to change that.


There are things other than genetics that play a role in when hair goes grey. One of these is stress. There’s a reason why parents joke that their children cause their grey hair. When the body goes into fight-or-flight mode, which happens whenever we are stressed, the chemical norepinephrine gets released into the body, including the hair follicles. This chemical affects the melanocytes that give our hair its color, causing them to rapidly move out of the hair follicles, leaving behind hair with no melanocytes and, thus, no color.

Grey hair is one type of visual cue for stress levels. Since stress can impact the body in many ways, including increasing blood pressure and inflammation, grey hair allows individuals to see first-hand that they are just a bit too stressed and could stand to lighten their load.

But did you know that hair can return to its natural color when the high-stress situation is removed? That’s right, a study found that melanocytes returned to normal levels when someone’s stress level reduced. Now, that’s not to say that you should get rid of your kids to reduce stress levels; we aren’t saying that, but anything else that’s majorly stressful? See if you can work around it. Or, work on methods of reducing stress such as exercising, aromatherapy, journaling, whatever works for you. You may just find that your once-grey hair returns to its natural hue. Problem solved.

However, this solution might not work for everyone. For one, studies still need to determine if it works for those over the age of 40, which is about the time when most people’s hair naturally turns grey due to age, not necessarily stress. So, while it is always a good idea to reduce the amount of stress in your life, scientists are still working to confirm whether or not this is a sure-fire way to reverse greying hair.


Another cause of grey hair? Smoking. Smoking seems to cause just about every problem or disease you can think of, and grey hair is no different. A review into the greying of smokers’ hair found that those who smoked had a higher likelihood of prematurely graying. So, if you’re a smoker who turned grey early, try quitting and see what it can do to your hair.

Nutritional Deficiencies

It’s also possible that grey hair is due to a nutritional deficiency. The most significant likelihood is a lack of vitamin B-12. Scientists have found that those with premature graying had a deficiency of vitamin B-12 that was concurrent with folic acid and biotin deficiencies. The easiest way to remedy this? Make sure you’re eating plenty of foods full of vitamin B-12, such as dairy products, meats, and fortified cereals.

Not a fan of these foods? Talk to a doctor about beginning a supplement. It’s always possible that supplements can have adverse side effects, though, especially if you are already taking other types of medication. So, always check with a doctor first; you don’t want to find out that the supplement you took negated the purpose of the medicine.

On top of that, a doctor will be able to check if you actually need these supplements. By running a blood test, they can check the values of specific vitamins and minerals in your body. If there are any that are lacking, they can help you figure out a way to bring the numbers back to normal.

Underlying Medical Conditions

Yet another reason why hair may be greying is because of underlying medical conditions. These can include thyroid disease, vitiligo, or alopecia areata. It’s also possible that hormone fluctuations are causing grey hair, as if they don’t mess with our bodies enough! It’s possible that by managing these conditions or hormone levels, the hair color could return to normal, but there’s no say over whether or not this is a verified fix.

How to Reverse Grey Hair

If the above methods of reversing grey hair are not working, you have one of two options. You can use hair dye, which can be difficult to match to the color you want, must be applied to the whole head for an even coloring, and shows grey roots as the hair grows out. And on top of all that, hair dye is not a true color reversal and instead just a cover-up.

The other option is to use a chemical product to naturally reverse the greying hair, and that is what the product For Gray Hair (FGH) can do. Unlike hair dye which can contain harmful chemicals or other substances, FGH contains only high-quality ingredients that will not hurt the skin or body. Better yet, it is a clear solution, meaning you won’t have to worry about staining your scalp after applying it.

The Benefits of For Grey Hair

Since FGH restores hair color from the inside out, you will never again have to worry about grey roots, returning the hair of your youth to you.

Let’s dive into the science behind how FGH works.

Melanin is responsible for providing the color of our hair. As discussed earlier, hair cells contain two types of melanin, but both of these pigments are naturally colorless. This may sound crazy since we all know that hair is not normally colorless but stay with us here. Melanin, in its original form, is colorless because of the presence of oxygen.

When we’re young and healthy, our hair roots possess catalase, which is a special enzyme. This enzyme plays an essential role in removing oxygen from the melanin, giving melanin its color and, thus, your hair its natural color.

However, stress and growing older are quite detrimental to catalase activity, which is why when these two factors are present, people go grey. The catalase does not remove the oxygen molecules as effectively, giving hair a “colorless” shade, which appears as grey or white.

FGH utilizes two active substances and deoxidized water to reverse the greying process and aid in removing oxygen molecules from melanin. The first substance is G-Reductase, which helps support the low activity of catalase by removing the oxygen from the melanin. Silver Acetate then takes over the oxygen molecules removed by G-Reductase and stores them in the deoxidized water.

While these substances help reverse the greying process, FGH also contains additional ingredients to improve the quality of your hair and protect it. One of these ingredients is Glycerin, which is something that not every person’s body has. However, Glycerin plays an important role in naturally moisturizing the hair, helping it be firmer and more hydrated. This means it can better face unfavorable environmental conditions such as strong wind, air pollution, or excessive sun exposure.

How to Use For Grey Hair

Getting back your natural hair has never been easier. Simply apply FGH to the scalp, spread, massage, and you’re done! FGH has three application methods, you can use the bottle nozzle, a cotton pad, or you can spray, allowing you to treat as much or as little of your hair as you need.

It’s important to know that there is currently no permanent way to reverse grey hair. Because of this, FGH must be applied every day for the first 7-10 days of use. If the results are satisfactory, you can drop down to application 2-3 times per week. As long as you keep up with this, you will still see the results. If there is ever a time that you want to embrace the gray, simply stop applying FGH.

Because of the way FGH works, it is a gradual process. You will likely first notice the restoration results after seven days, with a complete restoration occurring anywhere from 14 to 21 days after beginning. That means that in less than a month, you can get back the hair time stole from you!

Wrap Up

Grey hair has received a negative stigma due to its association with aging and our general dislike of visual reminders that we’re getting older. However, grey hair can be beautiful, and age is something that should be celebrated as a collection of memories and life lessons instead of dreaded.

If, however, you decide that you are not yet ready to give in to the grey hair, for whatever reason, there are options. The first is to check for underlying medical conditions and nutritional deficiencies, especially if you are younger than 30. This is not a usual time for greying to begin and may signify something off-balance within the body.

However, if none of the above are causing the gray hair, For Gray Hair (FGH) is an excellent option. It provides a safe and non-toxic way to reverse grey hair at the root. Containing chemicals that aid in the body’s natural way of showing hair color, FGH can return your natural hair color in a gradual process, ending your grey hair struggles.

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